Objectives Of The Association


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1. To organize various programs for the upliftment of social-economic,the educational, cultural and moral development of people of all the category, cast and custom

2. To arrange a various educational program for the upliftment of minorities and other communities To operate various educational institutes of various levels Further to operate minority educational madarsa and jambiyas and to encourage and help intelligent and poor students for higher studies

3. To operate library and music store, publishing and distribution of various newsletters and to provide coaching for dance and music.

4. To provide the coaching to minority and other educated unemployed men and women to make them independent by providing them typing. electronic and non-electronics.

5. To make available health services for the protection of the health of people To organize camps for making people aware of the incurable disease like cancer, AIDS, TB, Typhoid. hepatitis etc and to provide a remedy to affected people. To build various types of hospitals for providing treatment to humans and animals and to make available ambulance as well And further to work on the broad issues like untouchability.

6. To organize a training program for minority and other poor people for the upliftment of financial status in micro, small, Homebase, khadi gram udhyog. pisciculture, apiculture. sericulture, animal husbandry, dairy farming, and food processing.

7. To provide information about bio-gas plant, solar energy and other unconditional source of energy for the purpose of conservation of energy.

8. To provide information and spread awareness among people about the panchayat raj, right to vote, human rights right to information and consumer rights, etc..

9. To operate a productivity center and to organize a welfare program for the educational development of the blind. deaf, dumb and mentally challenged children and people and to work on the reasons of physically handicapped and to make available necessary equipment for them like hearing the machine. typewriter and crutches.

10. To provide support and assistance to the farmers by way of providing them with advanced equipment. improved seeds, deplorable and various irrigation facilities Further making available various resources for plantation of medical plants And to benefited people with various types of insurances.

11. To reflect and take measures for protection of every kind of human being and animal
12. To organize the auspicious program for orphans, olds, widows, prostitutes.
abused and mourned To make available shelter, food, education and medical facility for them. To make available education, food and rehabilitation center facilities for child labors.

13. To organize various programs for a minority. other women and children like Mahila Mandal, self-help group, creche, Nutritive diet, and women empowerment.

14. To provide training to women and girls in stitching, cutting, painting, knitting and beauty parlor for making them independent and job oriented.

15. To organize awareness programs. camps and competitions to end the various abusive customs like child marriages prostitutions_ dowry, drug addiction, feast after death and other superstitious customs and assumptions To support ad promote ideal marriages and inter cast marriages with a minimum age of 21 years and 15 years for girls.

16. To support and organize various human welfare programs in case of natural calamity, anthropogenic calamity, and other emergencies.

17. To organize various programs for plantation of trees to make the environment pollution free and. To promote swacchta abhiyan in rural and urban areas In further make available drinkable water, toilets, etc for them.

18. To spread awareness among people for national unity and mutual goodwill To organize various programs to end cast based differences.

19. To help landless and poor People in getting their names entered in BP L and other government lists for the purposes of old-age pension, widow pension, physically handicapped pension and other pensions.

20. To organize camps for making people aware about family planning and sterilization of man from time to time.

21. To encourage people for idol marriage, dowry free marriage, widow marriage. inter cast marriages, widow marriages, and outcast marriage.

22. To operate various programs for national unity, integrity and good faith of the country. To organize various religious programs like ram Katha. shn Madhya Bhagwat Geeta, and other religious programs for all the communities at small to medium and international levels.

23. To organize night classes, yoga classes, laboratories cow ranch, Yagya place for neo- literates.

24. To arrange school, colleges, university sports training centers. business training. research organization. yoga and spiritual centers. and to work in public interest.

25. To establish medical, pharmacy. daycare centers, nursing homes, hospitals and training centers, etc.

26. To encourage general student scholarship, intelligent student scholarship, national intelligent student scholarship for intelligent and poor students.

27. To organize a market for the purpose of farmers, businessmen, and other people and to provide shelter and food for cow, buffalos, goats and other pet animals.

28. To arrange programs for natural water conservation, historical places, buildings, and things.

29. To manage and operate seven planning of chief minister, which are as under

a) Awsar badhe. aage badhe

b) Aankshit rozgar, Mahila ka adhikar

c) Aarthik hal yuvaon ka bal

d) Har Ghar, nal ka dal

e) Ghat’ Ghar tak pakki gall

f) Shauchalya ka Nirman, Ghar ka Samman

30. To try subsidized to the exact beneficiary An amount of Rs.1000 per month is paid to look after the children under Parwarish yojana.

31. To arrange various programs like fares, canteens and bus stands, etc to conserve the social environment.

32. To do various works related to science and technology like information technique production etc so as to support skill development Further to take steps to promote science and technologies in the field of formal education.

33. To take steps to settle any type of dispute so that minimum no, of cases filed in courts To use the right to end any type of dispute through panchayat (either from lok shikayat path Adhikari or national public court).

34. To establish and operate various vocational training institutes and colleges like engineering college law college teachers training college medical college.ITI, B Ed. D.Ed. PTEC, Dental college. Ayurvedic college, homeopathic college, nursing institutes, Polytechnique college, Pharmacy college, etc..

35. To arrange a cemetery place viewing the need and area.

36. To arrange facilities of entertainment and health improvement for senior


37. To initiate and manage various associations under this institute viewing the place and circumstances.

38. To organize and manage various associations managing associations like women associations, farmers associations. youth association, educational associations, Justice Association, market association, inspection association and health association, etc to improve upon the working process of this institute.

39. To initiate and support all the conducts to make polyethylene free nation.

40. To maintain a control department in every panchayat from where the help will be asked from the following mediums in the event of any emergency or accident or communal disputes.

a) Ambulance service

b) Fire service

c) Police support

d) Administrative services

e) Leader of government or any other party

f) Disaster management officers

g) Panchayati raj officers

41. To initiate an organization of retired pensioners to take help from this
organization for development work in every panchayat/ city.

42. To close bagging custom completely and support these baggers with proper

43. To run various ashrams like old age homes for old women and men shelter I, outcast women. ashram for disabled. ashram for widows, an orphanage.ashram for yoga, an ashram for sat sang, and any other.
44. To organize and arrange various places for a cemetery for any religion, to also
arrange shroud and any other material for funerals.

45. To arrange and support the inter cast marriages with various steps like husband and wife after an inter cast marriage will have an Indian title For eg.Indira and Firoz khan after their inter cast marriage had a title called Gandhi.

46. To arrange and manage different schools for disabled children and they will be trained in different skills with free of cost.

47. To arrange and support pensions for eligible candidates like pension for disabled, pension for retired, social security pension for the general public, pension for freedom fighters, pension for lazars and all other pensions.

48. To arrange a probe form any government or any other agency like CID. GIB crime branch so as to safeguard the innocent person who is struggling in any wrong case against him.

49. To take steps with the support of legal or any other government agency for old, children wage labor schedule cast, Schedule tribe, and other men or women for any atrocity Of torture against them.

50. To reconnect the children with schools who have left the schools.

51. To connect with various government offices and arrange support for the general public and senior citizens for any government-related work.

52. To arrange the distribution of left out food in various programs among various needy people.

53. To arrange various sports activities so as to support good sportsmen.

54. To employ various literate unemployed or retired employees in the place of Security guard office clerks, officers and any other position of this institute.

55. To support safety and security for immigrant families. To provide various cleanliness services And the security services.

56. To take initiates to stop directly or indirectly all types of female foeticide

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